I'm Alex, your energetic facialist ☺

What you now know as SKIN/CRAFT was a mere blimp on my radar until fall of 2019. At the time my dream career didn't include owning a business or even offering the services I currently offer. However, it wasn't until I was pushed out of my "nest" that I realized the universe had bigger plans for my career.

Since opening SKIN/CRAFT, I have come to know myself in ways I never dreamt of. Through my own journeying in the realms of energy, luxury and of course, skin--I have been able to curate what I believe to be some of the most exquisite skin rituals currently being offered.

I've taken a fusion of energy healing modalities, such as; gemstones, sound therapy, yoga nidras, therapeutic touch, quantum healing, aromatherapy & my own intuitive gifts--and paired them with the most ethical and luxurious products and treatments currently on the market.