For those of you who don't know, my name is Alex and I'm the HBIC (if you know, you know) of all things SKIN/CRAFT!

I have a little over 3 years of business ownership under my belt, and while I've learned so much, I truly believe my journey as a provider and business owner is just now getting started.

Prior to owning SKIN/CRAFT I worked as a medical esthetician for about a year. During that time I learned so much about the clinical aspect of skin healing, all while expanding my knowledge in the realms of energy and holistic healing. After about 9 months in the medical field, I was presented with what I refer to as a "pivotal moment". I've had many of these throughout my life, all of which have lead me to where I am today. 

Essentially, my whole life has been a culmination of swan dives off of cliffs to see where the universe will take me. These are definitely lead by an underlying feeling and knowing that it's time to change directions.

So circling back to that pivotal moment in the medical field, I was presented with a cross-roads to either stay and settle for something less than ideal - OR - jump off the cliff and take a chance on an intuitive nudge to start a business. So I did just that

Fast forward to today, where I can look back at all the growth, experience and success that cliff jump has brought me and it has by far exceeded any expectation (which wasn't much) that I ever had about going into business for myself.

Which brought me to my current situation, yet another trust fall, starting over in a brand new state to allow SKIN/CRAFT to show me what's next. And by now, I'm sure you're wondering: 

"what is next?"

Well, if I knew I probably wouldn't be writing this, but I can tell you that I'm excited to find out. It feels abundant, more carefree & definitely light hearted.

One of my biggest goals with this fresh start is to achieve is strong sense of community within the people of Northwest, Arkansas. So if you're reading this and you live here or you know someone who lives here, let's connect :)

Cheers to new beginnings, abundance & community!



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